Unlocking Performance: The Benefits of Metabolic Testing

by Stuart Bauld - Exercise Physiologist, Strength Clinic Academy

Metabolic testing stands as a cornerstone in the pursuit for peak health and performance. This sophisticated evaluation method offers invaluable data driven insights into an individual’s physiology that can help to optimise exercise and performance.


While professional athletes have long utilised this advanced technique to gain a competitive edge, the development and evolution of metabolic testing equipment has now opened this type of testing up to the general population (Tsekouras et al, 2019); allowing everyone to benefit from the advantages that metabolic testing brings to both health and performance. 


Understanding Metabolic Testing

Metabolic testing involves the precise measurement of an individual's metabolic rate, substrate utilisation, and energy expenditure during various exercise intensities.  Through sophisticated analysis, metabolic testing provides insights into how efficiently the body utilises carbohydrates and fats as fuel sources, as well as precise training zones where optimal performance can be achieved.


Optimising Training Zones

One of the most significant advantages of metabolic testing is the ability to accurately individualise training zones (Wiley-Blackwell, 2008).  By understanding the unique physiological response of each individual, training programs can be tailored to target specific energy systems and optimise performance gains.  Navigating the demands of training alongside other commitments like work and family necessitates efficient use of time.  Metabolic testing optimises the intensity of training protocols by pinpointing aerobic and anaerobic thresholds with precision therefore maximising training efficacy while minimising the risk of overtraining and injury.


Enhancing Fat Metabolism

The ability to efficiently utilise fat as a fuel source is paramount for sustained performance.  Metabolic testing can reveal valuable insights into an individual’s fat oxidation rate, enabling targeted strategies to enhance fat metabolism.  By incorporating appropriate dietary interventions and training protocols, carbohydrate stores can be conserved which in turn delays the onset of fatigue and allows the maintenance of optimal performance over extended periods of time.


Personalised Nutrition

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in supporting both athletic performance and maintaining health and wellness. Metabolic testing can guide the development of personalised fueling strategies for both performance and health by understanding individual metabolic profiles and identifying optimal energy intake to either maximise race performance/training or reduce body weight (Bushmanova & Lyudinina, 2023).


The Strongest Predictor of Health

Health and performance are inextricably linked by VO2max.  This metric establishes the highest amount of oxygen that the body can take up and use during heavy exercise and is a key parameter of successful endurance performance.  It is also the strongest predictor of health and longevity with low VO2max values being highly correlated with all-cause mortality (Mandsager et al, 2018).  For example, a VO2max value of below 27ml/min/kg is associated with a 40% increase in all-cause mortality.  A whopping 70% reduction in all-cause mortality can be achieved by improving VO2max up to 38.5 ml/kg/min.

Additionally, just a 3.5ml/min/kg increase in your vO2max is comparable to:


⬇️ 7 cm reduction in waist circumference

⬇️ 5 mm/Hg decrease in systolic blood pressure

⬇️ 1 mmol/L decrease in blood triglycerides

⬇️ 1 mmol/L decrease in blood LDL (bad) cholesterol

⬆️ 0.2 mmol/L increase in blood HDL (good) cholesterol


What the Future Holds

Metabolic testing is a hugely beneficial yet underutilised tool to assist with both endurance performance and health promotion.  By providing comprehensive, personalised and actionable insights into an individual's physiological capacities we can empower athletes, gym enthusiasts, coaches and health organisations to make data driven decisions that lead to peak performance, injury prevention, long term athletic success and improved health.


By providing insights into individual metabolic profiles, optimising training zones, enhancing fat metabolism and guiding nutritional strategies, metabolic testing empowers everyday athletes to train smarter, not just harder.